The overall responsibility of the department is to provide generic corporate services for effective and efficient functioning of the Ministry in its attempt to fulfil its mandate. It specifically focuses on the interpretation of terms and conditions of service, dealing with disciplinary and grievances, recruitment and staff development issues. In addition, the department coordinate office services (fleet management, secretarial, records management, and office maintenance and procurement and supplies) and management of Ministry’s financial resources.
The purpose of the department is “to provide finance and general administrative support services”.
In pursuit of its purpose, the department carries out the following functions: -
- Provision of general administrative services
- Provision of planning and policy development services
- Provision of human resource management services
- Provision of financial support services
- Provision of ICT Services
- Procurement and storage of goods and supplies
Sections under Administration
- General administrative division
- Human resource management division
- Policy and Planning division
- Finance division
- Procurement and storage Section
- Internal Audit division
- ICT section
The administration division strives to improve and maintain high standards in the flow and quality of information going to decision makers in order to strengthen the ability of the Ministry to assess the success or failure of its activities. The division is basically responsible for the provision of administrative support services to all the line departments of the Ministry. It specifically focuses on office services such as asset and fleet management, cleaning, secretarial, procurement and security.
The section is responsible for ensuring that the Ministry attracts, develops and retains appropriate and sufficient human resources for efficient and effective performance of its services. It specifically focuses on the interpretation of terms and conditions of service, dealing with disciplinary and grievances, recruitment and staff development issues. In addition, the section also coordinates office services (fleet management, secretarial, records management, and office maintenance and procurement and supplies).
The section is responsible for the management of institutional financial resources. It therefore, among other things, processes payments, collects and accounts for the leases and fees, prepares financial reports and annual budgets in accordance with statutory requirements. In addition, the section is responsible for maintaining financial records, thus guides the financial decisions thereby ensuring that financial policies, procedures and controls are in place and firmly adhered to.
This section is responsible for the computerization and networking of operations of the Ministry. The section develops implements and manages reliable management information systems which provide accurate and timely information and data for management decisions.